Thursday, 17 January 2013

Honeymoon phase number 2?

Morning blood sugar today: 4.8
Episodes of low blood sugar today: 2 :( (wth?)
"C's" mood today: cute as ever!
Donations today: none
Clean Eating Breakfast: oatmeal with 2 tbsps "Holy Crap Cereal", which is basically bird seed! Just kidding, it has hemp seeds and chia seeds in it which are suppose to be great for you. Tastes decent but they get kinda stuck in your teeth (have dental floss on hand). It was featured on Dragon's Den ( Jeff loves this show and I am often stuck watching it!).

So I'm not sure what is going on these days but I suddenly seem to be needing less insulin. Over the past few weeks I have been lowering my long acting insulin every night by 1 unit. I am now taking 6 units at night and 4 in the morning. I had been taking 8 at night. With this change I am still waking up with numbers in the fours and low fives. So it has left me thinking, " what is happening?"

When I was first diagnosed the Diabetic education center nurses and my endocrinologist told me about the "honeymoon phase". This is when your pancreas takes its proverbial " last kick at the can". When you begin to take synthetic insulin injections apparently it can give the pancreas a little jump start and it will start to pump out more insulin again. I guess a kind of " don't replace me just yet" kind of statement. According to my health care team, my honeymoon didn't last long :( While they do feel my pancreas is still producing a bit of insulin, my need for synthetic insulin rose quickly after my diagnosis. Apparently for some this phase can last years!

Unfortunately about 2 weeks after my diagnosis my 1 year old was nice enough to pass me a wicked case of the stomach flu- which in turn may have contributed to my petering pancreas' fast decline. Love you C! Don't love the stomach flu!

With the changes that have been happening in the last few weeks, it has left me to wonder if this is honeymoon number 2. I have increased my mileage with running, and with my training program I am working on more pacing which are all things my body is adapting to. Last week it was also "that time of the month" which often gives me more lows than highs. Hmmmm, lots to ponder. Well here is to taking 1 less unit of insulin tonight and hitting up some more 'diabetic athlete' websites tomorrow and hopefully I can stop digging in to my jelly bean stash on a daily basis (not that I'm complaining) :)

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