Episodes of low blood sugar today: none! I had a scare after lunch-I went to put on some 'nap time pants' so I could lay down with C for a quick rest and somehow accidentally dislodged my pod-cannula and all! Boo. So I had to change it immediately. Luckily it must have just come out because my blood sugar was still within range at 6.7. Phew! Could have been worse (if my pump gets dislodged my blood sugar can go sky high quite quickly as I only use fast acting insulin...so that's what I mean by 'could have been worse!') :)
C's mood today: He is 3 today! Can you believe it? I can't. What a lovely boy. I keep telling him "Happy Birthday!" and he keeps saying back "Yes! Happy Birthday you!" Doesn't quite get the concept I guess...but he has been wonderful all day. I don't know how Jeff and I got so lucky but C is one great kid! C is.....
Sociable: he attends a small home-run daycare, the wonderful woman that runs it usually has 6-7 kids at a time, 2 of them being her own children. Two of the little girls that attend with C are super cute, and the three of them all love playing together. Last week I dropped C off-when we knocked on the door I could hear Lisa (who helps at the daycare when the owner has an appointment, etc.) say "Maybe it's C?!" to the two little girls. She opens the door and we hear the little girls chanting C's name. Lisa turns to me and says "C is kind of the mayor around here" Ha! My little politician/charmer. :)
Loving: I love his spontaneous "Mommy I love you's" and "I need a smooch." Today I had some of my wonderful neighbors and their kids over for a play date-C knelt over to smooch my neighbors 2 month old. My heart melted. What a lovie!
Brave: or tough, not sure how to describe it. I am pretty sure he fell off a stool this morning onto the tiled kitchen floor and just picked himself up like nothing happened. If he hurts himself, he usually just needs a quick smooch and he is off again. Thankfully and rarely does he scream if he hurts himself-at least in my eyes, he is one brave little dude.
I use to roll my eyes when people would tell me "enjoy every moment!". This was often said in the first year when I was busy trying to survive with no sleep and struggling to find my 'mothering identity'. I didn't get what they were saying at the time, and often found myself thinking "are these people really that out of touch? They liked sleeping in 2 hour increments and having a screaming infant while grocery shopping? You gotta be kidding me?" But lately, there ARE more enjoyable moments than not. I am not saying that there are no stand offs about eating vegetables or getting out the door on time (because believe me, there are LOTS of those), but C has become his own little person and I love him. I enjoy him!
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Happy Birthday my love! |
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Three years ago-hard to believe. So much has changed... |
A quick note about my (never ending) training. I did yet another distance this past weekend that I had never done before. I completed 32km. If you are wondering, this took me a whopping 3 hours and 40 minutes to compete-I think I did quite well at following my pace time, and even when I encountered my 85th hill (Nanaimo is one freakin' hilly city! So 85 might be an exaggeration....)I didn't feel defeated when I gave in and walked a little bit. I was so done with pushing myself up hills.
I think I made it to 28km before I had to walk a little-one time to eat (again), I was out of breath and didn't want to choke on my fig newton, and one time on hill 85. In all, I think I had to walk a total of about 6 minutes. Considering I ran almost 4 hours, that is really not too bad. But really, 32km is an insane distance. I am not sure at this stage, because anyone that has run a race and crossed a finish line knows that that finish line can be hugely addictive-but for now I think this full marathon gig might just be a one time shot. Is it empowering to go distances that I have never done before? Absolutely. Does it hurt to push that far? Yes, indeed. Is it a huge time commitment when you are a mother, work 4 days a week, and run a household? Uh-huh. Did I ever think I would run 32km as a Type 1 Diabetic at 32 years of age? No way. It is an amazing accomplishment none the less. Time will tell if I will ever want to this again. For now, I am savoring having accomplished that distance. Until this coming weekend anyway-a 'short' 23km is on the schedule. Wow, has my frame of reference changed already! Here is hoping I can stay healthy and make it to that finish line. :)
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The last finish line-man, that feeling is addictive! |
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