Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Hello beautiful!

Morning blood sugar: 6.5 -a little high-I have been wearing my pod in a different place lately (the upper buttocks if you must know!) and am wondering if the catheter is getting kinked a bit-this is likely TMI but when you wear the pod in a place with more fat it obviously jiggles and moves a bit more than say on your arm or leg-hence more of a chance of a kink. I have had some higher number in the last few days. A kink can stop the insulin from flowing properly and hence give me some weird readings. The readings have not been high enough to concern me but high none the less-we'll see if this butt placement is a no go or what. :)
Episodes of low blood sugar today: none-as a result of the suspected kink obviously running a bit high. Bonus here-no need to run for the skittles. Or is this a bonus? Jury's out.
C's mood today: Good! What a character-he insisted on wearing his 'shark hat' out for errands. A small victory was had when he wore shoes (not boots!) to go out. Took him to the doctor for a quick check, then to Target and very little attitude overall. Good day so far. He has been napping now for almost 2 hours. Good day indeed. :)
Donations this week: No longer need to worry about this. Target acquired. Woot woot!
Workout today: 6km Tempo run-2km warm up, 3 km at 80% effort and 1km cool down. This was followed by some much needed stretching.
Clean eating today: Isagenix protein shake for breakfast www.isagenix.com Jeff and I are on day 21 of a 30 day program with Isagenix. I won't dive too far in to the topic as I could likely write a novel here but I will say that we were introduced to the products a month ago by my great friend and former colleague Angelina-she is a consultant with the company and offered to get us set up with a trial run. She loves the products as she has had amazing results losing weight (particularly belly fat), improving her sleep, and her energy levels. I started the program primarily not to lose weight but for more energy and improved sleep-so far I have had some great results. I will most certainly share more in the weeks to come on this topic.

 C and I had a bit of a rough night-he was up twice for some reason. Jeff and I were both up with him at 11pm; not sure why he was up. Molars maybe? Nightmare? If anyone knows please fill me in, I would love to know- we were quite a sight sitting watching Disney channel for 20 minutes to get C settled back down. Got him back down only to have him wake again at 12:45am. Arrgh! I was NOT happy. Anyways, long story short is we slept until 7:30am-yes, for those non parents out there that is a 'sleep in' (take a minute to absorb that)....by the time I got up Jeff had gone out for a run (seriously, that man is a machine when it comes to getting up before 7) so I did my workout on the treadmill. That was ok, my feet are still hurting a bit so I thought it would be good to give them a break from pavement. I started at 8, and even though it wasn't that hot in the basement I was a sweaty mess by the time I was finished. I guess it was a bit muggy in the house!

Hello you beautiful, sweaty mess-post workout. Hope Wonder Woman doesn't mind.  

The infamous shark hat and toddler who likes to watch late night TV

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