Sunday, 3 February 2013

I ate 10km for breakfast

Morning blood sugar: 4.3 (that was even with a reduction on insulin last night, wth)
Episodes of low blood sugar today: 1, before lunch
"C's" mood today: a little sassy, but what do I expect, he is almost 2. He remains mostly fun!
Workout today: 10 km long run this morning ( hence the title)
Eating clean menu today:it is Superbowl Sunday! In other words I am relaxing my standards. We are pretty big football fans so today is a celebration. Pizza is on the menu for dinner :)

So Sundays are my long run days. And as you can see by the title I finished 10kms by 9 am. I was happy to hit my pace- it took me one hour and 6 minutes. I was hustling a bit at the end I have to say. Nanaimo is very hilly, at 6 km I faced an uber-hill that almost defeated me. Almost is the key word here.

I love long run days. Thanks to the help of my wonderful hubby, and the fact that he is a hands on dad, I hit the pavement on Sunday mornings for a good hour of solitude. Just me and the pavement. The long distances are tough but the sense of accomplishment when you are finished is well worth the exertion. Bonus points for awesomely regulated blood sugar for the rest of the day as well. Completing a long run allows me to use half as much insulin as I normally do. I know, half, that is pretty crazy. Yes, I am at more risk of LBS, but as long as I test often and fuel up, I am usually ok.

When I ran the Victoria Half Marathon last October there was a spectator on the side of the road holding a sign that read "Chuck Norris ate this course for breakfast!" This made me laugh at the time, and I still love to think of this sign, especially on days when I am digging down, and gritting my teeth through a tough part of my run. So let me tell you I was thinking of Chuck today when I was facing down this long, steep hill at the 6 km mark. Halfway up my heart was in my throat, and my legs were Jell-0. Somehow I channeled my inner Chuck Norris and made it up the hill and the 4km back home.

Well, it is almost kick off time. I am off to celebrate the last Sunday of football for a few months with my husband, my son, and my parents. I am going to enjoy a beer too, one of the things I don't have too many of these days. Chuck says I have earned it! :) Go 9ers!

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